With the discontinuation of the military use at Fursty, not only almost 80 years of aviation tradition but also an equally long-lasting common history of the base and the town of Fürstenfeldbruck are likely to come to a close in the year of 2020.
With the withdrawal of the Federal German military forces, the unique chance arises to redevelop and integrate the almost 200-hectare air base site into town in accordance with a Bruck identity. As early as in 2011, preparatory work started, the process is likely to accompany the town for the next 20 years.
In order to pave the way for a “new era”, urban strategies for the town as a whole must be developed to deal with the upcoming challenges the town in the Munich Metropolitan Region is faced with. The great innovative potential will also boost the district and the region.
This mammoth task can only be adequately tackled if politics, administration and citizens work together. The ultimate goal is a broad consensus of the urban society.
This website is to present the entire conversion process in all its facets and to accompany urban development.