
With the dis­con­ti­nua­tion of the mili­ta­ry use at Furs­ty, not only almost 80 years of avia­ti­on tra­di­ti­on but also an equal­ly long-lasting com­mon histo­ry of the base and the town of Fürs­ten­feld­bruck are likely to come to a clo­se in the year of 2020.

With the with­dra­wal of the Fede­ral Ger­man mili­ta­ry forces, the uni­que chan­ce ari­ses to rede­ve­lop and inte­gra­te the almost 200-hectare air base site into town in accordance with a Bruck iden­ti­ty. As ear­ly as in 2011, pre­pa­ra­to­ry work star­ted, the pro­cess is likely to accom­pa­ny the town for the next 20 years.

In order to pave the way for a “new era”, urban stra­te­gies for the town as a who­le must be deve­lo­ped to deal with the upco­ming chal­lenges the town in the Munich Metro­po­li­tan Regi­on is faced with. The gre­at inno­va­ti­ve poten­ti­al will also boost the dis­trict and the region.

This mam­mo­th task can only be ade­qua­te­ly tack­led if poli­tics, admi­nis­tra­ti­on and citi­zens work tog­e­ther. The ulti­ma­te goal is a broad con­sen­sus of the urban socie­ty.

This web­site is to pre­sent the enti­re con­ver­si­on pro­cess in all its facets and to accom­pa­ny urban deve­lo­p­ment.