“Der Landkreis Fürstenfeldbruck. Natur – Geschichte – Kultur”
(“The District of Fürstenfeldbruck. Nature – History – Culture”)Published by Professor Hejo Busley, Toni Drexler, Dr. Carl A. Hoffmann, Dr. Paul- E. Salzmann and Professor Klaus Wollenberg on behalf of Fürstenfeldbruck district office in 1992.
720 pages with numerous pictures partly colored. ISBN 3−9803189−0−7. The 720-page book is divided into two major parts, a historic-scientific part and a part about the municipality. The first part of the book describes the history of the district from pre- and early history to mediaeval times and early modern age up to the present day. In addition, issues such as geography, biology, agriculture, forestry, church, art and culture are covered. In the second part, the development of the municipalities is presented.The book is enlivened, supplemented and illustrated by extensive partly colored illustrations, maps and graphics.
By Klaus Wollenberg: Der Fliegerhorst Fürstenfeldbruck in der Zeit des Dritten Reichs (1934−1945) (Fürstenfeldbruck Air Base during the Nazi Era (1934−1945)), pages 245–248; Der Fliegerhorst in amerikanischer Hand (1945−1956 and 57) (The Air Base in American Hands (1945−1956 and 57)), pages 277–278; Das Kriegsgefangenenlager Emmering bzw. Fürstenfeld am Fliegerhorst (1945−1946) (The Prisoner of War Camp in Emmering and/or at Fürstenfeld at the Air Base (1945−1946)) pages 283–287; Der Fliegerhorst in der neuen Deutschen Luftwaffe (The Air Base within the new German Luftwaffe (since 1956)), pages 302–396.
This book about the district is available in local bookshops at a price of € 15.00
Contact: kultur@lra-ffb.de