
Fliegerhorstkonversion Potential Analysis

Potential Analysis in Cooperation with the Municipality of Fürstenfeldbruck

As a result of the dis­cus­sion about the gui­ding prin­ci­ples and of the cli­ma­te pro­tec­tion con­cept at dis­trict level, a …
Projekt Integrated Mobility Concept

Integrated Mobility Concepts for the Fürstenfeldbruck Region “Fliegerhorst”

A dele­ga­ti­on of more than 40 stu­dents and lec­tu­r­ers of the inter­na­tio­nal master’s degree pro­gram “Trans­por­ta­ti­on Sys­tems” of Tech­ni­sche Uni­ver­si­tät …
Viscardi Schülerin präsentiert P-Seminar Ergebnis

Students of Viscardi Secondary School Plan a Sustainable Part of Town

As their pro­ject semi­nar in urban geo­gra­phy did not have a par­ti­cu­lar topic, the 11th gra­de stu­dents of Viscardi-Gymnasium (Vis­car­di …