
Preparatory Studies

Short­ly after the offi­ci­al announce­ment that the air base was to be clo­sed down at the Fürs­ten­feld­bruck site, the town coun­cil deci­ded to initia­te an urban deve­lo­p­ment mea­su­re pur­su­ant to §§ 165 et seqq. Fede­ral Buil­ding Code (BauGB) on 29th Novem­ber 2011.

The urban deve­lo­p­ment mea­su­re is an instru­ment in spe­cial urban deve­lo­p­ment legis­la­ti­on. It is inten­ded to meet the increased need for resi­den­ti­al and com­mer­cial spaces, enable the estab­lish­ment of com­mu­nal and public faci­li­ties and prepa­re disu­s­ed mili­ta­ry and rail­way land for reuti­liza­ti­on. Dra­wing up a preli­mi­na­ry land-use plan will also ent­ail plan­ning and finan­cial impli­ca­ti­ons. In the light of a later acqui­si­ti­on, it is cru­cial for the muni­ci­pa­li­ty that the value of the pro­per­ty is set at a value which is unaf­fec­ted by deve­lo­p­ment (also cal­led ori­gi­nal value). Moreo­ver, by initia­ting a pre­pa­ra­to­ry stu­dy, the muni­ci­pa­li­ty has at its dis­po­sal land law instru­ments such as the deve­lo­p­ment free­ze or the sta­tu­to­ry pre­emp­ti­ve right which enable the muni­ci­pa­li­ty to imple­ment its ide­as for urban deve­lo­p­ment in a con­cep­tual­ly cohe­si­ve and quicker manner.

A pre­pa­ra­to­ry stu­dy is also cru­cial when it comes to a for­mal deter­mi­na­ti­on of a deve­lo­p­ment area and in terms of poten­ti­al fun­ding. Assess­ment cri­te­ria for the plan­ned urban deve­lo­p­ment are to be gai­ned from it. A cost and finan­cing over­view is being pre­pared and a con­cept for mea­su­res is being drawn up. During the fur­ther pro­ce­du­re, the pre­pa­ra­to­ry stu­dy also pro­vi­des a basis for the muni­ci­pa­li­ty being able to adopt urban plan­ning sta­tu­tes and, as a result, having at its dis­po­sal the instru­ments of spe­cial urban plan­ning legislation.

In July 2012, a working group at the Tech­ni­sche Uni­ver­si­tät Mün­chen (Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Munich (TUM)) with the par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on of the Chair for Sus­tainable Urban and Rural Deve­lo­p­ment, Depart­ment of Urban Struc­tu­re and Trans­port Plan­ning and the Chair for Land­scape Archi­tec­tu­re and Indus­tri­al Land­scape were com­mis­sio­ned to draft pre­pa­ra­to­ry stu­dies for the air base site.