News from the conversion project – all posts

Konversionsausschuss Fliegerhorst Fürstenfeldbruck

14th December 2016: Third Meeting of the Conversion Committee

Public reso­lu­ti­ons on the third public and non-public mee­ting of the Con­ver­si­ons Com­mit­tee of the City Coun­cil of Fürstenfeldbruck …
Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung der Regierung von Oberbayern Depandance Fürstenfeldbruck

September 2016: Reception Facility for Asylum-Seekers of the Regional Government of Upper Bavaria – Fürstenfeldbruck Branch

In Sep­tem­ber 2014, the Regio­nal Govern­ment of Upper Bava­ria set up a branch of the Munich initi­al recep­ti­on faci­li­ty (EAE) at Fürs­ten­feld­bruck air base …
Stadtrat Fürstenfeldbruck beschliesst Satzung zum Vorkaufsrecht

July 2016: Town Council Unanimously Decides to Adopt New By-laws Regarding Pre-emptive Right

As ear­ly as in 2011, the town coun­cil deci­ded to adopt new pre-emptive right sta­tu­tes for the air base. Based on this, the muni­ci­pa­li­ty estab­lished a spe­ci­fic right of pre-emption …

July 2016: Conversion Appeals to German Werkbund Planners

The Werk­bund of Bava­ria has offe­red its­elf to the muni­ci­pa­li­ty as a pos­si­ble col­la­bo­ra­ti­on part­ner to tack­le the mam­mo­th task of con­ver­ting the air base …
Konversionsausschuss Fliegerhorst Fürstenfeldbruck

April 2016: Conversion Committee Commences its Work

The reha­bi­li­ta­ti­on of the air base is a mam­mo­th task the muni­ci­pa­li­ty of Fürs­ten­feld­bruck is faced with. The release of the site by the Ger­man Fede­ral Armed Forces …
Luftbildaufnahme Fliegerhorstgelände Fürstenfeldbruck

December 2015: Financial Support for the Conversion

As con­ver­ting the “Flie­ger­horst” will invol­ve con­sidera­ble cos­ts, the muni­ci­pa­li­ty intends to secu­re its­elf finan­cial sup­port from the urban deve­lo­p­ment program …
Neue Bushaltestelle am Eingang Fliegerhorst

October 2015: Subsidies for Relocation of the Bus Stop

Pur­su­ant to the Bava­ri­an Muni­ci­pal Finan­ce law the Regio­nal Govern­ment of Bava­ria has gran­ted the hig­hest pos­si­ble level of funds equ­aling EUR 32,500 for the set-up of the new bus …
Ideensammler zur Fliegerhorst-Konversion auf den Brucker-Stadtgespächen

October 2015: Brainstorming for the air base conversion

Ide­as for ways of reu­sing the for­mer mili­ta­ry site can be sub­mit­ted via the web­site “Bru­cker Stadtgespräche” …