A memorial plaque for Captain Richard Higgins

  • A plaque to com­me­mo­ra­te Richard Hig­gins, the hono­rable US Air Force pilot who died in a pla­ne crash on 5th April 1957, was erec­ted by the citi­zens of Fürs­ten­feld­bruck. In ear­lier years, he had been hono­red for his heroic deed by naming a street after him as well as ren­aming the ele­men­ta­ry school Grund­schu­le West “Richard-Higgins-Volksschule” (Richard Hig­gins ele­men­ta­ry school). Cap­tain Richard Hig­gins will never be forgotten.

    On 4th April 2014, the enti­re Richard Hig­gins Grund­schu­le, 400 stu­dents and their tea­chers, set off to plot sec­tion 913, which is situa­ted next to the B471 and Cer­ve­te­rist­ra­ße. On the field path, a dele­ga­ti­on of the Bun­des­wehr hea­ded by Oli­ver Kem­mer­zell, com­man­der of the bar­racks and colo­nel Joseph Cory Lin­den, US liai­son offi­cer, as well as the stu­dents’ par­ents, grand-parents, the press and mayor Sepp Kel­le­rer as the initia­tor of the memo­ri­al site gathe­red. The plaque was unvei­led in a cerem­o­ny with a per­for­mance by the brass band pro­ject group of the ele­men­ta­ry school.

    The memo­ri­al plaque by the way­si­de can be found at the fol­lo­wing coor­di­na­tes: 48.17424°N 11.22343°E, ele­va­ti­on = 535,0m

    Read more about Cap­tain Higgins
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