Kilometerbau (kilometer building):
Built between 1935 to 1937. The accommodation quarters run from west to east. However, the length of the building, is not one kilometer – not even 960 meters, as everybody believed, but only 820 meters..
Luftkriegsschule (air warfare school):
The first Luftkriegsschule was built by Robert Roskothen also between 1935 to 1937. The Luftkriegsschule was an ample, three-wing complex, surrounding a parade ground where the headquarters and the auditorium building as well as the accommodation facilities were situated.
The former tower was built between 1936 and 1938. This massive building has a basement and forms a u‑shaped complex together with a small fire station. Directly in front of the tower the Munich Massacre ended in 1972. In 1987, the German Air Force had the building restored.
Ehrenmal der Luftwaffe (air force and aviation memorial):
The founding stone for the memorial was laid according to the blueprints of Prof. Zinsser in September 1961. It was completed by 1966, it is situated next to the air base and was erected with the help of donations. It is a memorial to all the pilots who were killed in the World Wars.
Blaues Palais (blue palace):
The foundation stone for the Blaue Palais, the new Offizierschule (officer school), was laid in April 1975; the architect in charge was Kurt Ackermann. In terms of architecture, the building was intended as a contrast to the old Offiziersschule which was erected in the National Socialist period and was designed to represent the new German Air Force serving a democratic state. The Blaue Palais resembles more an English college than purpose-built barracks. It was to serve both as a teaching facility and living quarters for military personnel. The whole complex surrounds the school building in a serpentine pattern, giving rise to individual courtyards and zones of communication. The building was put into operation in 1977.
Captain Higgins Building:
In January 1950, the construction of the school building no. 227 started and was completed one year later. It was used as a dependents elementary school and as a kindergarten. The two-story u‑shaped building had 12 classrooms. In its northern part, a gymnasium was built to form an almost closed building complex. Protected from the street noise, the students could spend their recess time in the inner court. From the end of 1957 onwards, the Luftwaffe der Bundeswehr used the building for the theoretical part of their aircraft crew training. Following the discontinuation of flight operations at the air base, photographic equipment technology training as well as flight security training of the Bundeswehr was organized there. On 5th April 2000, the building was named Captain Higgins building in a ceremony conducted by Elisabeth Tatum, the widow of Captain Higgins.
Air Base Church at Fursty:
Houses of prayer did not exist at National Socialist military facilities, which was also true for Fürstenfeldbruck air base. It was only during the ensuing occupation period that the Americans had a house of prayer built for all religious denominations to be found in the US Air Force. Building no. 118 was completed in 1950 and is situated directly behind the current main guard house. Since the German Air Force took over the air base 60 years ago, it has been used either jointly or separately by the Catholic and Protestant chaplaincy. Both denominations have their own sacristy. From its beginnings to the present day, this house of prayer has stood as a symbol for ecumenism.