
  • Fursty Kilometerbau

  • Kilometerbau (kilometer building):

    Built bet­ween 1935 to 1937. The accom­mo­da­ti­on quar­ters run from west to east. Howe­ver, the length of the buil­ding, is not one kilo­me­ter – not even 960 meters, as ever­y­bo­dy belie­ved, but only 820 meters..

  • Torturm Fliegerhorst Fürstenfeldbruck

  • Luftkriegsschule (air warfare school):

    The first Luft­kriegs­schu­le was built by Robert Rosko­then also bet­ween 1935 to 1937. The Luft­kriegs­schu­le was an amp­le, three-wing com­plex, sur­roun­ding a para­de ground whe­re the head­quar­ters and the audi­to­ri­um buil­ding as well as the accom­mo­da­ti­on faci­li­ties were situated.

  • Fliegerorst Fürstenfeldbruck alter Tower

  • Tower:

    The for­mer tower was built bet­ween 1936 and 1938. This mas­si­ve buil­ding has a base­ment and forms a u‑shaped com­plex tog­e­ther with a small fire sta­ti­on. Direct­ly in front of the tower the Munich Mas­sacre ended in 1972. In 1987, the Ger­man Air Force had the buil­ding restored.

  • Luftwaffenehrenmal Fürstenfeldbruck

  • Ehrenmal der Luftwaffe (air force and aviation memorial):

    The foun­ding stone for the memo­ri­al was laid accor­ding to the blue­prints of Prof. Zins­ser in Sep­tem­ber 1961. It was com­ple­ted by 1966, it is situa­ted next to the air base and was erec­ted with the help of dona­ti­ons. It is a memo­ri­al to all the pilots who were kil­led in the World Wars.

  • Offiziersschule der Luftwaffe

  • Blaues Palais (blue palace):

    The foun­da­ti­on stone for the Blaue Palais, the new Offi­zier­schu­le (offi­cer school), was laid in April 1975; the archi­tect in char­ge was Kurt Acker­mann. In terms of archi­tec­tu­re, the buil­ding was inten­ded as a con­trast to the old Offi­ziers­schu­le which was erec­ted in the Natio­nal Socia­list peri­od and was desi­gned to repre­sent the new Ger­man Air Force ser­ving a demo­cra­tic sta­te. The Blaue Palais resem­bles more an Eng­lish col­lege than purpose-built bar­racks. It was to ser­ve both as a tea­ching faci­li­ty and living quar­ters for mili­ta­ry per­son­nel. The who­le com­plex sur­rounds the school buil­ding in a ser­pen­ti­ne pat­tern, giving rise to indi­vi­du­al cour­ty­ards and zones of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on. The buil­ding was put into ope­ra­ti­on in 1977.

  • Captain Higgins Gebäude

  • Captain Higgins Building:

    In Janu­ary 1950, the con­s­truc­tion of the school buil­ding no. 227 star­ted and was com­ple­ted one year later. It was used as a depend­ents ele­men­ta­ry school and as a kin­der­gar­ten. The two-story u‑shaped buil­ding had 12 class­rooms. In its nor­t­hern part, a gym­na­si­um was built to form an almost clo­sed buil­ding com­plex. Pro­tec­ted from the street noi­se, the stu­dents could spend their recess time in the inner court. From the end of 1957 onwards, the Luft­waf­fe der Bun­des­wehr used the buil­ding for the theo­re­ti­cal part of their air­craft crew trai­ning. Fol­lo­wing the dis­con­ti­nua­tion of flight ope­ra­ti­ons at the air base, pho­to­gra­phic equip­ment tech­no­lo­gy trai­ning as well as flight secu­ri­ty trai­ning of the Bun­des­wehr was orga­ni­zed the­re. On 5th April 2000, the buil­ding was named Cap­tain Hig­gins buil­ding in a cerem­o­ny con­duc­ted by Eli­sa­beth Tat­um, the widow of Cap­tain Higgins.

  • Fliegerhorstkirche

  • Air Base Church at Fursty:

    Hou­ses of pray­er did not exist at Natio­nal Socia­list mili­ta­ry faci­li­ties, which was also true for Fürs­ten­feld­bruck air base. It was only during the ensuing occu­pa­ti­on peri­od that the Ame­ri­cans had a house of pray­er built for all reli­gious deno­mi­na­ti­ons to be found in the US Air Force. Buil­ding no. 118 was com­ple­ted in 1950 and is situa­ted direct­ly behind the cur­rent main guard house. Sin­ce the Ger­man Air Force took over the air base 60 years ago, it has been used eit­her joint­ly or sepa­ra­te­ly by the Catho­lic and Pro­tes­tant cha­p­lain­cy. Both deno­mi­na­ti­ons have their own sacris­ty. From its begin­nings to the pre­sent day, this house of pray­er has stood as a sym­bol for ecumenism.