• Guideline-7: Economy and Science

  • Guideline‑7: Economy and Science

    The type and ext­ent of the desi­gna­ti­on of are­as for com­mer­cial use is to be based on the fin­dings of a mar­ket ana­ly­sis and/or a requi­re­ment and poten­ti­al analysis.

    Job los­ses are to be com­pen­sa­ted by estab­li­shing cen­ters of com­pe­tence, inno­va­ti­on and tech­no­lo­gy and/or in the fields of sci­ence, rese­arch and edu­ca­ti­on; bet­ween 1,500 to 4,000 jobs are to be created.

    Local sup­p­ly is to be deve­lo­ped on the basis of a sus­tainable user poten­ti­al with the aim of pro­vi­ding opti­mal struc­tures within wal­king distance. In this con­text, it has to be con­side­red that the cen­ter of the new part of town (com­pa­ra­ble to Buchen­au) will be deve­lo­ped in such a way that the actu­al cen­ter of town main­ta­ins its cen­tral posi­ti­on within the hier­ar­chy of centers.