• Guideline-3: Landscape and Open Space

  • Guideline‑3: Landscape and Open Space

    The exis­ting and main­ly high-quality woo­ded are­as are to be pre­ser­ved to the ext­ent pos­si­ble becau­se of their out­stan­ding importance for the land­scape sce­n­ery, the eco­lo­gy and the cli­ma­te. Like the exis­ting (lis­ted) buil­dings, the exis­ting high-quality green are­as are to beco­me an iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on fea­ture for the pro­s­pec­ti­ve part of town.

    The exis­ting green struc­tures are to be pre­ser­ved and deve­lo­ped to the effect that they can bring tog­e­ther dif­fe­rent land­scapes into a per­cep­ti­ble con­text for man and nature.

    Con­ser­va­ti­on are­as as well as are­as valuable for spe­ci­es pro­tec­tion are to be safe­guard­ed; a regio­nal inter­con­nec­tion (e.g. with the are­as north of Fürs­ten­feld­bruck air base) is to be aspired.

    Requi­red com­pen­sa­ti­on are­as are to be inte­gra­ted into a coor­di­na­ted green deve­lo­p­ment con­cept based on loca­ti­on; they are to be via­ble by them­sel­ves also in sections.