
Your contact persons

In the town administration

Serge Schimpfle Project Management airbase conversionMr.
Ser­ge Schimpfle

Pro­ject Management

Pho­ne: +49 8141−281−4110

Sabine Wildmann town administration Fürstenfeldbruck, public relationMrs.
Sabi­ne Wildmann

Public Rela­ti­on
Citi­zen Par­ti­zi­pa­ti­on, Conversion

Pho­ne: +49 8141−281−1416

In the Town Council

Christian Stangl town council Fürstenfeldbruck conversion comitteeMr.
Chris­ti­an Stangl

Bünd­nis 90 / Die Grünen
Spea­k­er in the town coun­cil for plan­ning, buil­ding con­s­truc­tion, land use plan, con­ver­si­on Fliegerhorst

Georg Stockinger town council Fürstenfeldbruck Referent für Fliegerhorst KommunikationMr.
Georg Sto­ckin­ger

Freie Wäh­ler
Spea­k­er in the town coun­cil for Flie­ger­horst communication

Contact us directly online

    (*) = Requi­red fiels

    Your Name (*)

    Your E‑Mail (*)

    Your Pho­ne number 

    Your mes­sa­ge (*)

    I agree that my cont­act and assign­ment details will be stored for any queries. I have read the pri­va­cy poli­cy.
    ack­now­led­ged and accept­ed (*)