Collective Volume “Gelebte Geschichte”
(“Living History”)With the discontinuation of the military use at the air base, not only almost 80 years of tradition but also an equally long-lasting common history of the base and the town of Fürstenfeldbruck are coming to a close. Since construction work started in 1935, the soldiers of the Wehrmacht (Armed Forces of Nazi Germany), of the US Air Force and, from 1956 onwards, of the German Luftwaffe (Air Force) who were stationed there, have helped shape the life in town.
Memories of the common history are to be preserved for next generations. For this reason, a symposium was conducted in May 2014 providing initial food for thought on how to conceptually realize this idea in twelve lectures, eleven of which are published in the book “Gelebte Geschichte. Der Fliegerhorst und die Stadt Fürstenfeldbruck – Geschichte, Erinnerung und Zukunft” (“Living History. The air base and the town of Fürstenfeldbruck – history, memory and future”). A second edition of the book published by Martin Kornacher, head of the municipal planning and building control office, and municipal archivist Dr Gerhard Neumeier and commissioned by Fürstenfeldbruck town administration has just been released.
This collective volume is available in bookshops (ISBN 978−3−9817864−0−8), at the infopoint at Fürstenfeldbruck town hall at a price of € 19.90 Euro or by e‑mail to