• 5th September 1972 - the end of the cheerful games in munich

  • Brochure “5. September 1972 – Das Ende der Heiteren Spiele von München”
    (“5th September 1972 – The End of the Cheerful Games in Munich”)

    For the memo­ri­al ser­vice in honor of the vic­tims and their rela­ti­ves as well as of tho­se who sur­vi­ved the attack on the Olym­pic team from Isra­el in 1972.

    Ange­li­ka Schuster-Fox, 2012
    for the dis­trict office of Fürstenfeldbruck,
    repre­sen­ted by Tho­mas Kar­ma­sin, head of district,
    Münch­ner Str. 32, 82256 Fürstenfeldbruck

    This bro­chu­re is available at Land­rats­amt Fürs­ten­feld­bruck, Münch­ner Stra­ße 32, 82256 Fürstenfeldbruck.

    Cont­act: oeffentlichkeitsarbeit@lra- ffb.de or call +49 8141/519 395